My first very bad weed “trip” last night 😫 please read!


So I smoke weed about 2-3 times a day. Usually a 1/2 of a joint or bowl at a time. I have a fairly high tolerance but nothing crazy. Well last night I decided to take 3 rips out of my new bong, and immediately felt high. I thought all was well and I was just going to feel really high but also normal like I do sometimes when I smoke a full bowl to myself. BUT NOPE! About 10-15 mins after taking the last hit, All hell broke loose! I started panicking. And I mean SEVERELY panicking. I had the worst clinching heart pains and both of my arms went completely numb and tingling as if I fell asleep on them. My pinkies on each hand were feeling as if I was getting bee stings in them. My heart was racing, I felt doomed! If it weren’t for having my kids at home (I usually smoke in the bathroom and no one knows it) then I would’ve called an ambulance. IT. WAS. THAT. BAD. My fiancé also smoked and was super high but not as bad as me. He held me and calmed me down and tried to get me to eat but I felt sick. Like really really sick. I paced the floor freaking out. I really thought I was stroking out or having a heart attack. I was an emotional mess. I told him something was wrong. I need to go to the hospital. He kept reassuring me that I was just very very high but no! I felt all of this. This wasn’t my imagination. However, I will say. I looked at his face at one point and he looked like a ghost. He was blue pale and sunken, dark eyes. Like a zombie. It freaked me out. I think I did hallucinate that. I decided to go lay down in my bed to see if that helped. Well, here came the shakes...I was violently shivering, cold, and shaking. You could’ve strapped my legs down and I would’ve probably broken out of them. I had 3 comforters on me. After about 2 hours, things started to calm down. I eventually got so sleepy that I passed out. Today I swear I still have chest pain. I’m still worried. Could my weed be laced? Was it the bong? Is this normal? I’ve never heard of anything like this happening before! I smoked out of my bong twice before (I just got it) and I was fine. Same weed and everything. I don’t live in a legal state so we get it from a reputable source/ friend. Please! I’d love to hear your thoughts on this matter. This is making me fear weed, which I love and need for my anxiety and depression (not clinical on either of those)

Thanks guys!


I decided to hit the bong with the same batch yesterday but instead of taking 3-4 hits, I took one long one and I was the perfect amount high. I literally just did 3 or 4x what I should have