Stay @ home mom vs working

Gabby • MOMMY & GIRLFRIEND 💍👨‍👩‍👧‍👦

I need some advice! Up until I got pregnant I worked. My son is 7 months old and I haven’t worked since he’s been born. My boyfriend (his dad) works and I stay at home and take care of our baby and other stuff. Well i had just got a job at Walmart and the hours suck and they told me it would be “part time” like I asked for and it wasn’t so I quit on my 3rd day. Yeah I know what you probably think but it sucked. 😩 anyways, I just got my old job back (from a place I worked @ before I got pregnant) and I’m just kinda contemplating now. I don’t like being away from my baby, but the extra income is so nice. 😩 what are some ways you can make money at home? Like babysitting, making/selling stuff. Idk. But I’m trying to find an alternative because I really just really don’t want to leave my baby for 8 hours a day yet. He’s a biggggg mommy’s boy and he cries for me after a while.