Which of My Food Dislikes Is the Weirdest? What Are Some of Yours?

1. Touching fruit: smoothies are fine. However, fruit salads and edible arrangements NOOOOO. Especially when they've had time to let all their juices integrate and shit 🤢🤢🤢. So many textures 🤢🤢.

2. Oranges: I love orange juice. Pulp free of course. Idk how no one else sees it, but the texture of an orange literally looks and feels like skin. Lip skin at that because it's moist. Issa fat no. And yes I like lemons and limes and grapefruit 😭.

3. Regular White Cow's Milk (whole/2%/etc.) is disgusting. I cannot drink it alone. If I put it in my cereal, I get seconds to ensure that it'll taste like cereal and not a hint of milk.Like I really damn near throw up from the taste.

4. Off textures in meat. Like when you're chewing beef and all of a sudden bite this random hard thing (apparently its cartilage 🤷🏾‍♀️), or eating a chicken breast and come across this clear stretchy stuff (before I cook chicken breast I always cut that part out. because it's white when uncooked and easy to spot and I don't wanna go through eating that). It turns me off of meat hard but then remember it's delicious 😂.

5. PEAS. In the pod or alone, they are gross. I don't understand why they're so sweet and mushy. I love carrots I love corn, but ya girl can't do peas.

I dislike other foods, but these are the main people kinda side eye me for not liking the most or even noticing what I notice about them.

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