My mom is driving me f*cking crazy

Ever since my mom found out my husband and I were trying to conceive (I’m 20 weeks pregnant now) she’s been driving me absolutely insane with her unsolicited advice. Here are some of the topics she’s covered:

I don’t need to take prenatals before I’m actually pregnant because it’s a waste of money

I should be cooking and cleaning like regular during pregnancy and not expect my husband to help me with anything because I only work part time

I need to stop buying things for the baby because it’s “too early”

I need to dial back my exercising (I go to a HIIT bootcamp class and was okayed to do so by my doctor)

I’m having my baby shower too early

I should not buy my baby anything with sleeves or pants or he’ll get heat rash (we live in a tropical climate)

THE LIST GOES ON. Before I was pregnant my mom and I were very close and would talk on the phone multiple times a week. I’m to the point where I don’t even like talking to her anymore because she’s always so negative with me and every time we conversate she always brings up how I’m doing something wrong (it’s always something that has 0 effect on her). Has anyone else had a similar experience?? I’ve tried to talk to her about it once and she got defensive and told me that I’m the problem.