
4 months pp and just constantly feeling weak and exhausted. Had bloods done for iron/vitamin d/etc and all my levels are normal. Have been having body aches and pains mostly around my chest and shoulders since a few weeks after my son was born. Had an ecg on my heart due to be really anxious over my health and it came back completely normal. They said they would be extremely surprised if I was having a heart attack. I’m 19 and quite healthy. I have a generally good and healthy family history. But I’m At constant anxiety about my health. My muscles ache even when I’m resting. I know I can’t give them time to heal properly because I’m constantly lifting my baby. Maybe I’m lifting him wrong and straining my chest. I feel like I have no energy. I love my baby and always take care of him, he is always fed when is he hungry and I never walk away from him but so often I just look and him and feel like I just don’t have the energy to pick him up. I’m so tired. I am getting so lonely due to no friends here. I have family but they aren’t the kind to just hang out with you. I feel lonely so I could be doing stuff around the house. There’s always something to

Do. Clothes to fold. Dishes to wash. But I just look at it all around me and I just can’t make myself get up. I feel to exhausted.

I keep asking myself if I’m just being plain lazy because I can’t be bothered. Just want a break. Keep thinking I want to formula feed for the help from my SO. I can barely pump anything. But I shouldn’t need it, I should be able to do these things. But I just feel like crap. My baby is so happy. He will talk to himself for ages. I feel bad for not playing with him as much as I’d like. I do love him. I just feel like crap.