Am I a bad person??


My grandmother has a really really big problem with my weight. She constantly tells me that I need to lose weight or that I’m “big”. I went dress shopping for prom with her and I tried on a dress I really loved and it didn’t fit, she told me that I didn’t look like the normal clientele. I lost 10 pounds over the last year which is really big for me and when I told her, she gave me a backhanded compliment. She told me that she could see the difference because it was a big difference then asked me if I was planning on taking another 10-20 pounds off. She doesn’t know al the crap I did to lose it. And it hurts because she says Things like that to me all the time. So tonight I turned on a movie about an overweight girl sticking up to beauty standards. “Dumplin” and I just feel horrible about myself because she doesn’t deserve for me to do this. Just because she says those things doesn’t mean I should do it back. I don’t think I look that bad and I’m only 16 so I have plenty of time to change if I need to. I’m sorry if this is stupid I’m just really insecure