Don’t know what to do 😥

Recently I havent been feeling like myself.. I’ve been feeling unhappy and not being in the mental state. I’m currently in a relationship... its not my boyfriend that is causing this I just feel lost 😕 I don’t know if to either take a break to find myself and to mentally heal myself and to re-find myself or to continue on with my relationship?? Overall it’s just taking a toll on me.

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How old are you?


Me • Apr 17, 2019
Been focused on school and my boyfriend I really haven’t had time for myself. So doing the things I like really haven’t gotten the time to do them


Sam • Apr 17, 2019
I wouldn’t say end your relationship necessarily but I do think you should take some time to figure out what you want out of life. Are you not doing enough of the things you like to do? At this age no one really knows who they are. Hell im 21 and have no idea who I am. Unfortunately it’s kind of the age right now your kind of stuck in high school and then college trying to get your career. Try to make time for friends and go out and do things that make you happy and maybe pick up a new hobbie


Me • Apr 17, 2019