Bed time routine for baby


So, I have what is probably a stupid question. My boy is only one month old so it isn't relelvent yet as he's clearly not ready for patterns or routines and we are just responsinf to his feeding and sleeping cues.

But... So guidelines are have baby sleep in the same room as you for first 6 months, great, yep, happy to do that. I have a Next2me that he sleeps in overnight when I'm in bed.

But what about in a few weeks from now when we start trying to get him in to a bedtime routine? If we are going to be outti g him to bed at like 7pm? I won't want to be going to bed at 7 every night, so do we put him in the Next2me and then leave the room?! I'm not happy about that I don't want him unattended and in a room on his own. So do we put him down in his moses basket in the living room? All the advice is for nighttime routine to have dim lights, quiet music etc, but again this is not how we want to spend our evenings in the living room with white noise and lullabies when we are trying to have an evening together.

Just curious as to how people tackle the 7pm - 11ish hours with an infant?