One Yr Old Eating His Shit... 🤢😭

Nope, this is NOT a joke unfortunately. And its happened about 3-4 times now. I have twin one year olds... and the one twin is fine. My other child... I just... I need help.

*I’m staying Anon bc this is extremely embarrassing 😣

Back Story;

So here’s the deal.

They’re currently no longer in normal diapers with the two Velcro sides as they have figured out how to undo them and whip off their diapers regardless of what’s in them. So I switched to 360 cruisers which are still diapers but look like pull ups.

Everything was fine until I discovered that THEY have discovered how to pull them down (not completely off yet but I’m sure that’s soon coming). I have tried everything in my power to avoid that. I put them in onsies and pants - they take them off. 🙄 and then reach into the onsies in the front.

I put them in sleepers that zip! ... they unzip them and although they can’t pull it down, they can still reach in the front.

So the best I have been doing is watch them and make sure to tell them no when I see it happening and put them in timeout when they don’t listen.

SO TO THE POOP - it started with me running out of cruisers and having to use a backup diaper... BIG MISTAKE. He figured out how to undo it and they BOTH ATE HIS SHIT - PHYSICALLY FUCKING ATE IT ‼️‼️

IMMEDIATE bath and mouth rinsing and brushing. Cleaned it all up after almost throwing up, told them no, etc.

Fast forward to a week or so and the one who took his diaper off to begin with did it AGAIN... TWICE ‼️

Idk why. I really don’t. So I thought I had it all under control...

Well. I check on them periodically throughout the night as I am awake for most of the night anyways and I’m super paranoid even tho they’re a year and a half old. I go in, hear him crying, notice he has his bed all messed up, go to fix it, realize he has a poopy diaper! Mind you their room is practically pitch black minus their night light. So I pick him up, hold him against my chest and walk out to the living room to change him. I look at my husband and smile... he smiles back.. we’re both thinking awe our little son is so cute... then I lay him down... and all the color drained from my face... i legitimately laughed because I was so upset and really how the fuck do you react in that situation? I was just MORTIFIED...

I bathed him, cleaned him etc.

BUT - my wholeeeee point to this post... do I need to contact his doctor? Cause I’m seriously about to... this is so disgusting and worrisome... why is he doing this? I feed him! He’s not starving, his belly sticks out from being so full, they eat really really good... where am I going wrong as a parent??

Someone please give me advice 😭