Seasonal depression and/or PMD, or neither?

I was diagnosed with anxiety and depression in May 2017 by my doctor and psychiatrist. I remember struggling throughout 2016 and my depression heightening in April and May. I had thoughts of cutting and attempted to do so but failed to follow through. In April/May 2018, I began to cut myself almost every week. Now in April/May 2019, I feel my depression heightening again and I want so bad to cut myself. Throughout 2018/19 I had thoughts of killing myself and self harm. I did cut myself a few times this year, mostly around when I had my period. I feel like my depression/anxiety is so much worse during my period, but I assumed it was normal and that we all feel moody and sad. Except during my period I get thoughts of suicide and self harm, which I guess isn’t normal ?? My mom had PMDD when she was younger and went on birth control to tame it. I don’t want to self diagnose myself with anything, but I feel like I have signs of seasonal depression and PMDD. I haven’t been to my therapist in a while because I don’t have time, otherwise I would confront this with her. Can anyone help?