Unexplained infertility

ideclarebankruptcy • 🇨🇦 👶🎀 born 5/2/2021 after 2.5 yrs ttc

I have been ttc for about 14 mo and at the one year mark I went to see a fertility specialist for testing. Our test results came back normal and the doctor said there does not appear to be an explanation as to why it's not happening. At first I thought I had a low ovarian reserve but this did not appear to be the case. My husbands sperm count/motility was off the charts high. Super frustrating!!! The doctor suggested trying naturally for another 6-8 months and then trying

<a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IUI</a>

with a trigger shot. I'm currently doing acupuncture and going to see a naturopath soon. I also eat clean, exercise and have been doing so for years. Using preseed, vitamins and the cough medicine ingredient to help cm. Any experiences with this or any suggestions ?