Extreme saver... Do I need help?


Ok apparently I'm an alien and I need to know if I'm alone in this.

I'm in extreme saver. I work SO hard for my money and try to save every penny. I am trying to pay off a car and a house. So I only eat out once a month (exceptions for special events are allowed). I also do this bc I love cooking and don't really like eating out.

But I never spend, I don't get my hair or nails done. If I do eat out I get something cheap with water. I literally only pay bills. I have no expenses besides gas, cell, internet... I don't buy new clothes, shoes... I try to really wear the things I own until they are not longer wearable. I just hate buying and spending money.

This was all great... Until I got married. My husband and I share a credit card for groceries. Other finances are kept separate. It drives me nuts when he buys things like 2 gallons of milk a week (yes crazy right?) when I don't drink milk. He buys expensive cereal. All these extra things. The only thing I buy that is expensive is literally just olive oil which I only buy on sale.

Am I crazy? I can't have someone else spend my money when I don't even spend it on myself.... I don't buy sprite for example even though every now and then I'd enjoy it. He buys whatever he wants and expects to be able to put it on our card.... Help.