I’m so sad tonight

I moved away from home, from Europe to the US a few months ago and I decided to take a break from job and everything just to be focused on my goal to be pregnant.

In January the dr discovered a polyp and I had a little surgery.

Than it was time for the <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IUI</a>: the first I produced a follicle on clomid, they did the procedure, my husband produced 9milliond of sperm, but apparently I didn’t ovulate.

For the second <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IUI</a>, last month, I decided to do some acupuncture. I had (on clomid) more than 1 follicle, I ovulated, and the procedure was made in a very perfect timing. The morning of the day I ovulated, with 4mln of sperms.

Now I’m moving to femara. I pray (even if I’m not a believer) that everything will be fine, this time, but I feel so frustrated.

I feel on an emotional rollercoaster and I’m afraid I have just waisted my time.