Okay, so my boyfriend work 60 hours a week. I’m a SAHM with an almost 2 year old and expecting another in July... So my boyfriend pays all the bill, buy food, &works... but the thing is he expects me to have the house clean EVERY SINGLE DAY.. like okay yes I’m at home with my girl and I do clean, but he seriously wants everything clean every day when he gets home; he wants the dishes washed, all rooms cleans, and clothes taken care of. I don’t know like today was a Sunday and I was just on my chair relaxing.. well there was maybe like 5 dirty bowls in the sink and he washed them and put all the dishes away that I had washed the other day... but he was annoyed at me because I didn’t do it because I was just sitting there... and btw I do most stuff with our daughter since she’s always with me, I put our daughter down every night and bathe. I never complain... but I feel like he expects so much from me... or am I just being dumb? I get he works hard for us, but I don’t think it fully fair... like I don’t care to clean, but I also have a child on me 24/7 so it’s hard at times to get stuff done but sometime I feel like shit because I’m pregnant... I feel like sometimes I can’t ever relax, that I have to be doing something or else he’ll just tell me something and call me lazy... I don’t know... I don’t know what to do or if I’m just overreacting.. opinions? Or how do you other SAHM do stuff in your household with your SO.. split the chores? Do they expect the place to be clean every single day???