Cyst on Vagina!?

I noticed a bump on my vagina in fall of 2017 however, I didn’t go to the doctor for it because I live in Houston and we had just endured hurricane Harvey so a lot of places were closed & lots of people were displaced.

Moving forward to now, every time I get my period, it hurts to wear a pad because it rubs the bump and makes it raw. Any other time, it doesn’t really hurt.

The past two days, I’ve noticed my right vagina lip is a little swollen and the bump hurts to touch. It hurts to wear panties or shorts/jeans in general and it hurts to walk.

I’ve been wearing a tampon my entire period (started Friday and I’m still on it right now) and I’m getting closer to where I’m not bleeding as much so I don’t need a tampon but it would hurt too much to wear a pad. I’m pretty sure it’s a cyst because I’ve had it for so long, I just think it’s infected now.

I wasn’t sexually active (was a virgin) when I first noticed it so I don’t think it’s an STD, especially since it’s only one bump on one side of my vagina.

I made an appointment for the GYNO but the earliest I could get was next Thursday.

Does anyone have any tips for what I can do to relieve the pain until then? I don’t want it to stop me from working, any tips would be great!