Would you allow your insurance company to monitor your driving habits for a potential rate discount?


One in five insurers in the US now have programs to offer rate discounts to people who install an app on their phone to monitor their driving habits such as acceleration, braking, speeding, phone use, etc. Generally you install them for a period of time (say 6 weeks) and if you're a good driver, you can get a discount. The number one predictor of higher claims is distracted driving (cell phone use).

I imagine they raise base rates for everyone and so if you either opt out of the program or are a bad driver, you're in a higher risk pool and pay higher premiums.

Are you willing to let your insurance monitor you in exchange for a discount?

Do you think this will become more prevelant and the cost of opting out will get higher? For example, maybe in the future it will be impossible to find an insurance company to sell you insurance if you opt out or the price will be prohibitive. Or maybe they will require you use the monitoring app all the time instead of just for a trial period.

It seems like everything is trending toward more monitoring from companies we do business with. Tracking and selling internet usage history, personal information, tv viewing habits, spending habits, and now driving habits.

Obviously from a business standpoint it's a great idea to increase profits but how do you feel about trend?

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