Hormones making me mad over stupid things

My pregnancy hormones during the 3rd trimester are driving me crazy!! I’m so moody and the slightest thing (which is stupid) can set me off.

For example, my SO (25) has been in the hospital the past few days for appendicitis. He’s also been pretty out of it from the pain meds. And will sleep a lot, stare, be zoned out.

The nurse came in and she is really pretty, young, fresh out of nursing school. His IV got loose and she was fixing it. He zones out staring at her face. And I immediately start feeling moody. And poor thing doesn’t know what he’s doing most of the time. 😅

The thing is I know these reactions/emotions are STUPID and dumb in the moment but it doesn’t stop me from feeling the snappiness.

I need help 😅😂 please tell me I’m not the only one who get mad or moody over stupid things 😂