
Ashley • Mom x 3 ♥️

My boyfriends family pretty much thinks me staying at home for the last 4 months to take care of my newborn is not something to be proud of. I want to go to back to work! I miss just getting up and getting ready for work! I had 1 child for almost 7 years. Just had two baby girls in 2018. They’re Irish twins, one was born in Jan 2018 and the last one was born in Dec 2018. They have told me numerous amount of times that he is so great and he does everything and he this and he that. Im not asking for cookies. I dont applaud fish for swimming either but it would nice to hear them say you know what, you’re doing a great job too. You’re holding shit down at home. I may not be getting paid and not bringing home money but I still have a long 12 hour shift too. They don’t think that he should have to watch the kids to give me a break after working but is he or is he not their father? I’m not asking a stranger to watch them when their dad is perfectly capable of doing that. It’s time we start making the dads do their part as dads too! I’m tired of this “let’s raise our daughters but baby our sons” motto. It’s definitely causing a wedge between me and my SO. I want us to work out but some days it’s easier to just give his family what they want- for us to not be together. They can lie and say that’s not what they want but actions speak louder than words. I know what they’re doing.. how does everyone else deal with their in laws?? I need help!