Benadryl on gums for teething?


Hey ladies! No rude comments, just a question to see if anyone else had heard of or tried this!

have you ever heard of rubbing children’s Benadryl on babies gums when they are teething? My dr said it would numb her gums. So I’ve tried it twice. We ate also in the process of sleep training (she’s queen of 30 minute naps). Anyways, we did it once before her nap yesterday and once before her nap today. BOTH time she only screamed for 20 min and slept for over and hour and a half, the other times she’s fussed much longer and only napped for 30 min. Do you think this could be making her sleepy? I don’t want to do that! Or, do you think she really is in pain and it eases it so she can sleep? I mean, it’s literally a drop, I dip my finger in and rub it on her gums, it’s not like she ingests any of it. What are your thoughts? She’s 9 months.

Also note: I 100% trust my doctor, he has never let me down, so if he says this doesn’t hurt her, I believe him, but I also want to make sure I’m making the best decisions for my daughter.