I'm just over it

Hey guys. I've been with my now fiance for almost 4 years. We've been through a lot together, and we're highschool sweethearts, i am 18 and he is 19. He recently moved states, and i was planning on following him in a couple of months. Honestly, when he left, we were already fighting. We fight just as much if not more now that he is gone. It's not every day or anything, but it's pretty often.. It makes me feel uneasy about moving and leaving everything i know for him. I love him a lot but im hurting, and don't know what i should do. I don't really have anyone to talk to about the situation, so im posting it here.. help?

Edit- had a conversation with him about it. Didn't go super well, he got upset,(saying we made the decision together, which is valid) it was over text and when i asked to call, he declined because he doesn't like to see me cry. He says it makes him downplay his own feelings. It's been a few days since this conversation and we are speaking mostly normally but i just can't stop this gut feeling that feels like something is off. I don't want to hurt him. Still don't know what to do :/