Worried- 1st pregnancy


Hi ladies, this is going to be a long post.

I was suppose to get my period April 18th, I am always regular. Sunday April 14th I was spotting and cramping I assumed it was my period, my period didn’t fully come down that Monday, so Tuesday I decided to take a test and it was positive. By Friday I went to a walk in clinic and they confirmed the pregnancy, but bc I had the spotting and cramping the urges me to go to the hospital. The hospital by my home is not associated with the gyn I would be seeing, and I didn’t have an appointment with him until today. So Friday April 19th I was at the ER. They did a vaginal ultrasound and reg. They didn’t see anything(which would be normal) but my HCG levels were at 106 in which they said were really low. They had me go back Monday to retest and then see the on call gyn. I retested and my levels went to 262. She said that was not a major increase. So then she had me come back in 2 days to retest again, and when I did my levels had went up to 875. I then had to retest again in 2 more days and I went up to 1,707. So today I took all that to my actually gyn and he was shocked they even tested me so much. But he did a regular ultrasound and a vaginal. So he seen my gestational sac but no yolk sac... he said if I’m 6 weeks he should be able to see that and a heart beat. He said had I not brung him all that paperwork he would of believed me to be way earlier than 6weeks. Now I do see two tiny dots inside the gestational sac but they aren’t a yolk sac. Has anyone ever experienced this? I go back next Monday but I’m so scared.


Hi ladies- I wanted to update-

Went to the doctor today for my follow up, he said I certainly improved, there is a fetus and there was a heartbeat, the heartbeat was slow though. He said he is still concerned, he has me coming back again in 2 weeks.

He said i am looking like I am only 6 weeks today. So I would of only been 5 weeks last week.

I’m at going to remain hopeful, and I just pray this is because I’m so early along.