Spotting at 8weeks

Giovanna • 👶🏻👼🏻👼🏻💔🤰🏻🌈due 12/13/19!💕

Well I thought I was doing so good. After suffering from two early miscarriages this December and March I wound up pregnant before I even passed everything from the last miscarriage. Well here I am today 8 weeks and a few days and I woke up this morning went to the bathroom and there it was reddish brown blood when I wiped and looked in the toilet and a small blood clot. I have a feeling that I’m going through another miscarriage. 😪 I have had two ultrasounds so far in the pregnancy one at 5w+ 5d and had a heart beat of 110, then one at exactly 7w with heart beat of 127. Everything looked to be going so well. Last night before I went to bed I just had a feeling like something was going to happen. I just don’t know why I got that feeling though. Then I dreamt about it all night. Hoping that maybe it’s a small hemorrhage or something that the baby is still fine. Please pray for me, I go at 12:15 for another ultrasound. I have my appt with the Nurse today for the first official appt where they go over everything you can or can’t do or have and what not. I feel numb right now I can’t do this again. 😪😪😪


Just got done my ultrasound and so far everything looks good!!!! Please keep praying for me though I’m still so nervous! Heartbeat is at 174bpm the tech would tell me how far along I am she said my dr will tell me. 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🤞🏼🤞🏼🤞🏼🌈👶🏻

Last Update: the nurse called me this morning and the ultrasound showed that I had a sub chronic bleed in between my placenta and uterus and that it is a normal thing that women can get. However it does create a greater chance for miscarriage. She did say that mine was very tiny and most likely why I passed a dime sized clot and spotted yesterday. Today I haven’t had any spotting at all thank god! She said more then likely mine is already being reabsorbed and I should be ok but she still had to let me know there was that risk. So I just have to take it easy for the next few days and she believes it should be gone before my 1st trimester screening which I will be calling to make the appointment tomorrow. So still keeping my fingers crossed for the next 3 weeks that everything else from here on out goes smoothly!

Thank you everyone who has or is still praying for me I really appreciate it ❤️🤞🏼🌈👶🏻