Long post but need advise. Neighborhood kid overly obsessed with my kids bordering creepy.


Okay so I live in a small neighborhood where lots of kids run the neighborhood and play (not

Mine but others) . Well recently a new kid popped up an asked to play with the girls while we were out so okay no problem. Well fast forward two days later . He knocks and ask if girls can play they tell them no they’re not allowed right now. He asks if he can come in ofcourse they respond no we got to go say bye and shut the door go on with our business. Few minutes later we hear banging on our window low an behold its this kid 😳. My husband who was awoken from his nap (he only half day off) give the kid the benifit of the doubt. Okay the next day kid not around well the next 4 days up to today it’s been the same thing every day 🙄. Well here is where k really draw the line not only did he do the same thing today twice but a few minutes ago my daughter comes to me an goes up that kids is looking on the windows . So I go investigate thinking maybe the kitchen window was open and he was looking threw from the yard nooope he is on my back porch leaning over looking in my windows. Like nope so I open the door give him the benefit of the doubt that if he doesn’t stop I’m calling our security c for that was the line draw for sure! I’ve been trying to be nice bc he comes off as maybe he has some kind of disability of some sorts (not sure what) but now I’m starting to get pissed bc it’s it’s boarder like creepy and intrusive. Regardless if he has any disability or not his parents should be watching him and this behaviour is not acceptable. Ill add he is roughly 6-9 years of age as he goes to school with my middle child who is in 2nd grade and she’s seen him around.

Huge thanks you any one who has stuck threw reading just needed to get advice && vent!