My daughter always is constipated.

Around a few weeks ago we took her to the doctor she had been constipated for a few days. They gave us the drill of changing her diet, less dairy, more water , and gave us a laxative (she’s 2 and a half).

Well, it’s been a few weeks and she still has trouble pooping. She holds her belly when she tries to poop and cries like it hurts and her poops are typically on the harder side. I hate seeing her in pain all the time from pooping but the doctor just said it was normal and to make sure she eats a balanced diet which she does. She has vegetables plenty of fruits and whole grains. Idk what to do, she HATES the doctor and has panic attack’s whenever we go so I hate to bring her if I don’t need to. Is constipation really this common?

We’ve tried probiotic supplements and more water which seem to help with regularity but not the struggle and pain she has when pooping.