Let’s play a game!

Jullz ☀️

Parents who have more than 1 kid no matter the age- let’s see the difference between your kids. 😂

Alexanne: 3.5 years old

Xavier: 1.5 years old

•Most stubborn? Alexanne

•Most laid back? Xavier

•Worst temper? Alexanne

•Pickiest eater? Alexanne

•Who sleeps the most? Xavier

•Sneakiest? Xavier

•Who is the loudest? Alexanne

•Who is the shyest? Xavier

•Who has the most attitude? Alexanne

•Most dramatic? Alexanne

•Who talks the most? Alexanne

•Who has mom’s personality? Neither.

•Who is most responsible? Xavier

•Who is most likely to take care of you? Xavier

•Who is likely to cause you to lose your mind? Alexanne

•Who is the most protective? Alexanne

•Who makes you laugh the most? Alexanne

•Who would help you hide a body? Alexanne👌🏻

•Who is likely to give you gray hair? Alexanne

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