I just can’t today

It’s Mother’s Day and I’m pregnant. This is the furthest we’ve ever gotten and the last two years have been super rough for me, especially with Mother’s Day. I wasn’t expecting a ton this year, but something would’ve been nice. My husband came into our room when I woke up this morning and was all “happy Mother’s Day.” He said he was sorry he didn’t plan anything, but was very nonchalant and didn’t sound like he really cared at all. No flowers even. I thought “oh well, maybe breakfast in bed” NOPE. I honestly just wanted something small to feel appreciated since I feel like I do so much around the house without him saying anything about it. I love him but it drives me crazy. He can’t even do the dishes, which are clearly piling up in the sink and on the counter, without me asking three times. It doesn’t help that my morning sickness is horrible and I feel like I can barely move all the time. In the end, he said he planned on making me a nice dinner. Well... that went out the window. We talked and I told him what I wanted, then he asked me to do half of it and then didn’t even do what we talked about. I know a lot of this is just my pregnancy hormones and that I’m super overwhelmed and emotional with everything going on, but it would’ve been nice to know that I have one day in the year to have to myself and feel appreciated. We didn’t really even do anything for my birthday. And on top of all this, I’ve been thinking really hard about what to do for him for Father’s Day. Now I feel like I don’t want to do anything at all.

I don’t mean to sound ungrateful for all he’s done and how much he takes care of me, but this was just the icing on the cake. It’s already been a rough weekend without all this on top of it. 🤦🏽‍♀️😭

Sorry this is so long. I really just needed to rant before I cried AFAIN. So over this crying so much.