Low Carb and Losing It!


Long Post!

I had my baby girl December 2017, at time of birth I weighed 208 ( the heaviest I have ever been). Over the next few months I exercised here and there, but always used the excuse that I just had a baby to make myself feel better. Well her year birthday cane and so did my yearly check up. I went into my doctors office and weighed 198 pounds ( I had only lost 10 pounds). My blood pressure was elevated as well. My doctor wanted to take some blood to make sure everything looked alright. I left the appointment not thinking anything about it and carried on with life. Now I wasn’t happy with how I looked, hated looking in the mirror, only wanted pictures from the collar bone and up, plus was still in maternity clothes. The thing was I wasn’t doing anything about it. My doctor emailed me the results a couple of days later and said she wanted me to come in for a consultation. Now this caught my attention. I went in a few days later and she basically told me with the way I was eating and not exercising that I wasn’t going to be around for the long run. She told me my Triglycerides were elevated ( 167) and my Fasting Insulin was elevated ( 12.8). She put me on a low carb diet and told me to keep a food journal. I started that day! Now it was tough at the beginning because I have never been a meal planner and now I was having to plan every meal, but as the weeks went on it got easier. At first I didn’t see any weight come off and started to get discouraged, but I had promised myself that I was going to stick with it for my health. I was working out 4 times a week on my Elliptical and making sure I was counting my carbs. I stayed in between 25-45 carbs a day. I finally started to see results after week 6, and then from there I was losing 2 pounds a week. Well I just had another check in this last week and I am down 33 pounds! Better news is that my Triglycerides dropped to 64 and my fasting insulin fell to 8.2!! I was shocked that in 3 months I could have lost that much weight and also become healthier. If you are on a weight loss path or starting don’t give up! Even if you can’t see results on the outside, there are healthy results happening on the inside!