First period in 6 years


Hi gals,

Recently me and my husband decided to try for children. I had been on Mirena for the last 6 years, and I’ve been on hormonal birth control pills since I was 15yrs, before that. (30yrs now)

While on mirena I never had a true period, only experiencing a few mild symptom and extremely light spotting, if any.

I started my period three days for the first time since I was a kid, without any sort of hormonal meds to help regulate.

Not only has it been much heavier then I’ve ever experienced, it’s more blood then solids, which is also pretty out of the ordinary compared to every other period I’ve had. Also I’ve been very woozy and lightheaded, if I stand up too quickly or stay on my feet too long. My emotions have be wildly up and down, and anxiety is through the roof.

I knew it’d take some time for my body to adjust and “learn” to self regulate, but it’s a bit scary.

I was wondering if anyone else has had an experience like this? Is there some vitamins or supplements I could take to help, or is it best to just stay the course and let my body figure it out? Or is this highly irregular, should I go see a doctor?

I’ve got health insurance, but I haven’t yet found a ob/gyn yet. (Insurance is newish) so a doctors visit is not ideal, yet..

perhaps this is just my anxiety talking, since this is a fairly new experience to me.

I’d really appreciate any input:)
