Do you think he’s cheating?

My husband and I have been together for 4 years now. We got married in 2016. Just had our first baby in October 2018. All has been great up until lately, I’d say the last few weeks. He’s less connected, always busy working on something in the garage (mind you he was getting our boat ready) and has taken a very backseat role with parenting and even putting effort into our relationship. I’m left with our child 7 days a week all day. Example: last night he took our boat and was gone from 6pm-midnight fishing is what he told me, but as soon as he got home he didn’t even bother to chat just said he was going to bed. Now, he’s been outside all day and tonight is “taking a nap” leaving me to cook, clean, do everything for the baby. Is it bad to think he’s cheating? Or does someone else have another idea.

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