I need to get this out

I'm not sure if this would technically be the right group or not..

This has been weighing heavily on my mind the past few days. I read a thing about when was the first time a man said or did something inappropriate to you or something. I immediately thought of an old band I used to listen to. They weren't very big, but had a decent following and the guitarist would talk with me sometimes to the point where we exchanged numbers. I was underage. I believe I was 15-16 at the time. He was in his mid 20s and would talk to me about their lyrics and I'd tell him what theu meant to me as I was going theough hard times. he would let me vent to him and talk to me about different struggles I had. I felt like I had a friend in him. He started to ask me for nudes and pictures in a thong. And I remember feeling special that someone like him thought I was pretty and attractive. It wasn't until the past year that I realized that was wrong of him. He shouldn't have used his platform to be soliciting picture's from anyone. Sadly I lost that phone and don't have the messages to prove anything so I've kept this to myself. It's been eating at me though. I hope it never happened to anyone else he talked to.