Advice please🤕😰

Please don’t judge me I know what I’ve done is wrong I just want some advice. I’m 15 and not long ago on Snapchat a man offered me 140 for inappropriate pictures (he had sent me a lot of him 🤮) and I don’t know why I was so stupid but the idea of money was fun so I STUPIDLY sent him a couple. Then he said I’ll add another 40 if u send me you doing “ +#*#*#+ “ and I was just like ok so I did and then he said the same thing again ! At that point I was like this guy is just messing me around so I blocked him. Today a girl who I know of but don’t really know messaged me and sed some guy is sending around nudes saying it’s you , I just denied it and thought nothing of it. Then another girl later on sent me a message : AND IT WAS EVERY SINGLE PIC I SENT TO THAT GUY. The girl said to me she deleted them and wasn’t going to send them around and I said thank you but I’m not sure if she will 😰the pics are really bad and you can clearly see they’re me. I want to kill my self 😰