Do i?

Tasha • Pregnant with baby Wilson cant wait to know more about this baby 😊😊

I dont want hate for this but I'm in a bit of a sticky situation. Should I let my ex who is the father of the child im carrying in the room with me during a vaginal ultrasound? A little backstory. I was with this guy for about 4 months. It started off okay but started going downhill fast. We broke it off and a week later i found out I was pregnant. He found out the day i took an actual store test as a just to make sure thing. He wasn't happy. Just before he found out he called me toxic and a bad friend because i had more self confidence than he had and I was proud of it. After he found out he kept telling me he wanted me to get rid of it because he didn't want a bunch of people knowing it was his. So for about 2 weeks he hated me and said some pretty awful things to me. Well after a couple conversations with his mom he finally came around a bit more and was happier but he wanted to be in a relationship again which i didn't want. I dont want to force a relationship because there's a child in the picture now. I have my first ultrasound tomorrow and I am debating about letting him in the room with me if it's a vaginal one. My debate is: he's the dad its not like it's something he hasn't seen before and i dont think he will be seeing much of anything BUT we aren't in a relationship and we are just roommates now. He still doesn't want anything to do with me unless we are together and in a relationship. So should I let him in or just wait for an abdominal ultrasound so I dont have to get undressed for it???