Finally got to hold my baby boy at 35 weeks

Kelly • 35 gave birth to my first child at 35 weeks.. love my little man!!

I finally got to hold and meet my little Maxwell Joseph. I had a very hard and scary end of pregnancy with severe extremely heavy bleeding at 34 weeks and being hospitalized for 4 days to wake up 2 days after being home unable to open my eyes due to extreme swelling in my face and went to my drs only to be admitted again to the hospital but told this time I’m having a c section and a blood transfusion. In less then 2 weeks i had gained 20lbs of fluid and my blood pressure was in the 170’s over 90’s. After my son was born on May 8th 2019 at 6:02pm i had more complications. Max is in perfect health no time in a nicu or anything! Me on the other hand was going down hill after struggling in lots of pain and still having a very hard time breathing and spending 4 days in the hospital i was being sent home on Mother’s Day 3 days later I’m back to being admitted into the hospital again with a fever, diarrhea, pain and hard to breathe. Long story short they had to give me Lasix hook me up to a catheter again and was on oxygen having lots of tests done and found i had fluid collecting in my lungs and now my blood pressure was in the 190’s/110. Finally after a few days and dropping 50lbs of fluid I’m finally home recovering with my sweet little man and loving every second of it!