Baby Girl's birth


Baby girl was due June 6th. I was to be induced on May 25th due to blood pressure issues. However on May 17 I had my 37 week checkup and my blood pressure was really high. They sent me to labor and delivery for monitoring. My blood pressure didn't go down so they started the induction process at 9pm. I was give 2 pills to soften the cervix. At 1 am I was dilated 1. At 10 am they checked me and was planning on using a foley balloon. Once they propped my legs open to check my water broke. I was dialated 2. Contractions started and man did they hurt. They ended up giving me iv pain meds and I slept for about an hour. I woke up feeling the need to push. I was checked and surprisingly was at 10 already. We had to get baby girl out asap cause her heart rate kept dropping. After 3 attempts of vacuuming her out she finally came out.