Third Baby Birth.. Failed Epidural and a Twisting Baby

Destiny • •Mommy of 2 boys {G.M.M-4/4/16 & O.W.M-1/16/18} 💙💛 •wife to H.M.M 💍 Expecting another miracle {May2019} 💙•Future teacher 🍎

So I went in Monday (May 20) night to be induced, to find that I was already having active contractions. They started me on a low dose of pitocin through the night. I came in at 3.5 cm and 60% thinned.

By 9 the next morning, I was pretty miserable and asked for my epidural. Got it done, started feeling comfortable. About an hour and half later, my midwife came in and I was still only 4.5 cm and about 70-80% thinned. After 11 hours of active contractions and pitocin. So she decided to break my water.

After my water is broken, my husband goes to the cafeteria with his mom to get some food while I try to nap. My legs start getting feeling back and I start feeling pressure. So when my nurse comes back, I tell her. She checks and I’ve gone from 4.5 at 12 o’clock to 7.5 and completely thinned by 1:20.

My husband comes back and I’m having ridiculous contractions and starting to feel absolutely everything. I tell my nurse over and over that my epidural isn’t working anymore. She hits the little button 3 different times that is supposed to send a dose of medicine, nothing. So I start feeling major pressure. I tell my mom and husband. So they go and grab the nurse. She comes back (It’s a few minutes past 2 o’clock now) and she checks me, 10 centimeters!

She then tells me that I need to wait though because my doctor is next door finishing a delivery. So I’m sitting there, feeling the urge to push. Finally, about 15 minutes later, my doctor comes in.

At this point, I am completely not numb. And we start pushing. One push..My son starts to come out and is sunny side up so he flips. Second push.. out comes his head and he flips back over sunny side up. I have to pause pushing because his shoulders are then turned funny. He slips two more times before she can get him stable. One more big push and he’s out.

Finlee Todd was born at 2:32 pm on May 21,2019. He weighed 8 lbs 3 ounces and was exactly 21inches long.