

So I’m in need of advice, I don’t really have anyone to talk to about this so I’d really appreciate advice!

My boyfriend and I have been together for about a year, we live together and I suppose our relationship is like any other, but I’m feeling unsure of it at the moment.

When we first started dating I was obsessed with him (not in a weird way lol) and we had sex a lot, we never argued and it seemed so good! But as of lately I’m not feeling it... I still love him and want to be with him but it’s almost like I’m asking myself if I’m even attracted to him anymore.. and I feel so horrible even thinking that!! He has gained lots of weight recently which isn’t an issue but he is so lazy and a bit of a slob and doesn’t make an effort with himself. And he always used to.

We barely have sex, probably once a month now if that. He keeps asking me what’s going on but how do I tell him how I’m feeling? He’s also the type of guy that would probably break up if I said this, which is what makes it harder.

Has anyone been in this situation? If so, please any advice would be great! I’m really lost 😞