The psycho

This one takes the cake!

WARNING- may be a trigger!

So long story short my ex still is the love of my life, we got introduced and just by chance from the first date we were inseparable for years. Still inseparable.

Fair warning he WAS no saint and he did give me all of his past open and honestly on his own. He was a true fuck boy and that he had done a lot of things that would normally be concerning. He insisted to get all the tests to make me feel better about everything. The fact that he was so open about his entire past is what helped us create a perfect foundation.

Years later and expectedly we got pregnant we had some early complications but everything seemed to go fine and he was absolutely amazing. At every appointment, made sure that I had his full physical and emotional support. unfortunately in my second latter of trimester the baby passed away. It destroyed me I had postpartum so bad that we both agreed that three months after the loss we needed to take time apart.

After less than six weeks of him going out and living the single life we decided to see if we could work through our relationship together and our grief together. He tell me about the three females that he had slept with that very day we went to each and everyone and he explained to them that he wanted to be honest & was going to make things work out with his ex ( me in the truck with him as he talked to each girl.)

The last one, like a sociopath went ape shit crazy saying that she thought they were in love???

(30 days a fucking apparently makes this chick love anyone). He actually goes out of his way to apologize to her stating that “maybe he missed lead her because he was so used to being with me that maybe she misinterpreted. Being the kind hearted person he is he still genuinely took full blame and apologized.

So we continue to move forward thinking everything was fine.

I start getting messages from this this girl talking crazy shit about how she was suddenly pregnant and that I ruined her life. Obviously I didn’t take it very well given the fact that we had actually had a baby die I told him I didn’t believe her whatsoever.

((Turned out I was 100% right she NOT PREGNANT and was using her pregnant sisters urine to try to carry on this lie.))

She would not stop calling and messaging and doing everything so extra I seriously was ready to loose it.

I’m talking this sociopath desperate ugly and I’m not kidding or judgmental she was not attractive and her actions and personality made her even uglier.

She started sending baby items to our home we had just moved to, she would’ve had to follow one of us to figure out where we lived. we literally took an entire year break because I told him that I felt like everything I’ve been through I was going to end up in jail over this crazy chick.

So now that we’ve been TTC, and I know this psycho still lives in the same town I almost am worried that I won’t be able to handle the stress. I’m already scared because I can’t go through what I went to last time. But it’s like this chick has a no life because she has made over a dozen fake profiles over years to just harass me and him. We have 22 police reports over this chick.

So would I be wrong if I went into almost like hiatus if I got a BFP and decided that I would at least get past 20 weeks before I discussed it with anyone including him. I’ve had my weight going up-and-down like a roller coaster in the last few years I honestly don’t want to deceive him but I can’t take additional stress.

And though it’s been quiet for a short amount of time I think I’ll just be a matter of time before the psycho would start all over again.

And to be quite honestly she’s lucky she’s alive after sending that much baby shit to my house knowing that literally we had lost our baby and our breakup was because it took such a toll on us both.

Any brujia’s someone who can perform an exorcism, shoot even someone who’s willing to actually help pull bond in case I snap.

I’m open to advice.

Just please be kind because when I say that the chick is psychotic, i’m not exaggerating. I know exactly everything that was going on because any and all contact she made with my SO he instantly would just hand everything over to me because he didn’t want her to cause more damage than she was doing to us.