To the mom who posted yesterday about letting her baby cry it out


Sorry for the long post...

I noticed your post was deleted, I may be wrong, but I am assuming it is because you were being attacked for considering the cry it out method. I wanted to let you know that you are a great mom. I have a very very colic baby and it has been HARD. I cannot get anything done, he won’t nap, cries all day, and is now protesting sleeping at night. It is hard and you should do whatever you think is best for your baby and YOU. Your sanity is important too! No matter what don’t forget you are a great mom whether you let your child cry it out or not.

To all the moms out there that bash each other for differing opinions, back off. We need to be supportive of each other. Your experience with your baby is completely different then someone else’s, so do not assume what worked for your baby will work for someone else’s. This app is intended to help us get advice and support not backlash.