Inconsiderate friend 🙄🤦‍♀️🤰

My friend recently began working for a pyramid scheme company that sells knives and things like that etc. and has been asking me for weeks to have a meeting with her on it. Finally I agreed after she said I wouldn’t have to buy anything her BEING there would still ensure she’s getting paid. So whatever that’s fine, now I told her that my boyfriend can’t be there and the nerve this girl has... I can’t even:.. knowing we JUST moved into are apartment at the beginning of April and that I’m pregnant she still keeps trying to push this agenda... I know she’s going to push and push till I buy something but thankfully I know how to stand my grounds against things like this but I mean really??? Starting to think she isn’t really my friend.. 😒

PS I’ve said many times we have a new knife set my boyfriends mom bought us that was very expensive and cutting boards.. I’m not spending 200+ dollars on something i already have???