How to let go?


How do you let go when you’re still in love with your soon to be ex? She’s the one that essentially wanted the divorce, I agree for some parts because it’s been really horrible the last years and we’ve tried a lot of things, and we don’t want it to effect our daughter in the long run. But I’m still so so in love with her, she’s no longer in love with me but states she loves and cares about me.

I just am so lost, shattered, the works. We recently just separated homes and will be living in 2 different states for hopefully only a year and a half with visits in between.

I feel like a loser for being in love with her still. But I know it takes time but I honestly feel like the longer time we are apart the more I’m going to cry.

(Lesbian couple)

What can I do? Besides find new love because I’m so done with that for years... I know the basic stuff like stay busy blah blah. And I will be a single full time working mom, so I’ll def be busy. But help!....