Struggle street

I’m a single Mum, my son is 13 months old and I just feel like I’m never going to get the hang of this

I feel like I was never cut out to be a mother

I don’t understand these random outbursts of sudden crying, I feel like I don’t understand my son

I feel like once I get his routine down pat he changes

I feel like he’s currently trying to drop down to 1 nap per day but still gets far too tired having only 1 nap but won’t take the second one

I feel constantly defeated and like I’m always failing

I’ve accepted the fact that I don’t know when I’m going to get a full nights sleep

I don’t understand how some people just have these perfect babies that sit and play with their toys and I have this crazy child that wants to jump off tables and throw tantrums because I want to change his dirty nappy

This is not at all how I thought mother hood would be and I hate it