My crush is home! ❤️😁

Okay my crush is home for 2 weeks. I SAW HIM YESTERDAY (5/4/19)!! I was so happy to see him and I’m glad he’s home for a bit We just cuddle and watched tv (and we kissed a little)

now a little back story

We did talk back in December (while he was away and when he came home he was a different person than when we would talk while he was not home) {but then we got drunk at my friend’s house and he asked me out and they say when you get drunk you say or do things you wish you could do if you were not} but he didn’t think he was ready for a relationship and didn’t think I would be able to handle a long distance relationship bc he’s in the army and is stationed in North Carolina and in I don’t know how long but he’s getting deployed for 9 months or longer

I told I would be down for him and I’ll ride for him Bc that’s how much I like him

I mean at least we talk for just a couple minutes a day I’ll be fine bc I just wanna know if he’s okay I know he’s busy working but I really like him so much 😩😩

I really wanna be with him and show him I’ll be there for him no matter what

So a little advice?

What should I do?

Should I tell him how I feel?

Here a screenshot of our conversation