Scared to take a leap


Posting in here to vent a little but also speak my thoughts aloud just to get it out there. I'm currently 26 weeks pregnant and working at an office job that I dislike. I'll be getting the very standard California 6 week maternity leave. Baby girl isnt even here and I'm dreading having to go back to work once shes born. It would be a DREAM to be able to be a stay at home mom.. I still do want to work of course but just from home. ((Fiance and I cant live off one income)) I've been thinking a lot lately about becoming a consultant for Arbonne. A friend of mine does it, she loves it, makes pretty good money and gets to help people. I would more then likely have to get a part time job, maybe waitress a couple days somewhere, I guess why I'm posting this is to see if this is a crazy leap of faith I'd be taking and should stick to a regular job. Oorrrrrrr say fuck it and go for it?!?!?! Help