Sometimes i can hear my moms voice in myself...

I won’t sit here & say my mom is the worst mom cause she isn’t.. but she definitely was the best. My mom grew up with an abusive absent mom so she kind of did the same to us. My mom gave us everything traveled us around the world. Worked her ass off to put us in a beautiful house but the love and nurturing wasn’t there. When she was mad everyone was mad. When she was happy everyone was happy. But when my mom was mad she’d tend to say a lot of hurtful things to people including my brother & i and now as I’m in a relationship i can literally hear her voice in me sometimes. Not just what i say but her actual voice & I’ll just sit there in a pause.. i also realized i took on that trait of spewing evil when I’m mad. I say a lot of hurtful shit to my partner. He’s done a lot to me so I’d like to say he deserves it but no one deserves to be talked to like that.. how can i unlearn these habits & how can i notice when I’m acting like her because sometimes i don’t notice until i do it a few times.. ugh need advice.