Does anyone else feel like their family is sucking the life out of them?

I’m not even a person anymore 😞 I’m just everyone’s servant. Anyone else out there working 40 hours a week, doing every chore, cooking every meal, running every errand, doing all the grocery shopping, washing everyone’s laundry, and more? All without ever getting even a thank you?

Never a thanks for dinner, or for remembering my husband’s gym clothes that need washing for the next day.

I have asked for help so many times to no avail. I have asked for just a couple hours to myself to clear my mind of all the chaos and just go to the store without a child full of attitude, go for a walk, join a gym. “No, we have too much to do right now. Can’t you go later? I just got home and you want to leave now?”

Every birthday, Christmas, Easter, Father’s Day, is a special occasion and I put forth my very best effort in giving a thoughtful gift. I get nothing, or whatever was left over in the seasonal aisle of Walmart.

I use to be fun, witty, ambitious, spontaneous. I used to have hobbies, friends I spent time with.

Now I’m just fat, exhausted, and depressed. I have no energy for hobbies and my friends gave up on trying to hang out with me. (I can’t really blame them.)

I have nothing left for just me. All of my time and energy is just poured into other people’s cups and I’m always there at the end of the day with an empty cup, and no one ever thinks to offer me a drop.

I’m feeling under-appreciated, forgotten, and honestly a little unloved. I love my family and I do everything I can to give them a good life. Maybe I’m being a whiny ungrateful wench. But I’m having a hard time remembering a time where they have done anything to return that favor.

Sorry for the public self pity everyone. I just needed to get this out of me and have nowhere else to turn. 😞