Eating issues at 7M T21

Hey ladies my baby girl is 7m and I have tried baby foods since she was 5 months 4 days and she will not take to the food at all. I have tried everything literally. From homemade to store bought banana food to green beans, carrots, rice, cereal, oatmeal with peach and banana flavored even tried mashed potatoes and to thin it out with her formula tried a nuby yesterday with some macaroni and bananas (not at once though) she seemed to enjoy that very much but eating the food swallowing seems to be a issue. She isn't sitting up at all even assisted (she can if shes leaning back on me) wonderful head control no problems holding her head up. She has OT and PT therapy in my home twice a week so thats what were working on is sitting up😊. But she'll make a sour face type look or she gags and vomits with everything or just spits it out. She has had 2 swallow studies done and all was well. She isn't picking things up well (she can just learning to pick things up) her arms are like mine and are shorter then normal so its it's harder for sweet girl. I have mentioned to her doctor last week over this (new pediatrician) and I keep hearing the same thing I have been hearing from other people something about (could be saying this wrong forgive me) food therapy?.speach therapy? Something in that line. But nobody explains to me what that really is for or even sits anything up for this. I have been told it could be a texture thing with her but surely not every single food she hates lol. Does the T21 have anything to do with her not liking food? She has been on oxygen since she was born 38+2 and having heart surgery soon for her heart and pulmonary hypertension in the lungs. Thanks so much for the help I have no were to turn to ask for help on this. She is taking her formula just fine 6-8oz eats that like it's

going out of style but actual food she just isn't interested.