boyfriend and ex awks situation..

i’ve been with my boyfriend over a year & a half, i love him to pieces and this actually isnt anything to do with him its to do with my ex..

My current boyfriend and my ex are best friends and to top it off they live down the same road.. i know couldnt have picked someone better :) anyways my ex boyfriend use to hit me, he was just a awful person he use to cheat and make it out like it was my fault, he was very over protective i wasnt aloud to do anything but he could do whatever he pleased, i got a lot of emotional abuse as well as physical, so i finally left him and since meeting my new boyfriend its been the best year & a half ever.

BUT i’m still really damaged over what my ex use to do to me and its so hard to explain to my current boyfriend because i dont want it to seem like all i do is talk about my ex if you understand.

And because they live down the same road i cant avoid him im actually scared that he will lash out if he sees me and my boyfriend isnt there.

Like the other day i was walking to the shop and i had to walk past my ex’s house so i crossed over to the other side and as i walked past he came out and followed me to the shop?? i kept looking behind me and he would stop and make it as though he was on his phone or doing his shoe up i got to the shop and he wasnt there so i walked back towards my boyfriends and my ex came from one of the side roads and followed me again. Am i just being dramatic or should i be a bit on edge? can someone please tell me what i should do i need all the advice i can get. Thank you Xx