Looking for prayers... for however things are supposed to go.

I have a 5 month old son. He’s our very planned for and loved rainbow baby.

We are (typically) SO careful about birth control. We wanted at least 2 years between our kids.

Well let’s just say my husband and I had a glass of wine before bed (we don’t drink much so we are light weights 😬) and we had sex. I’m on birth control and we usually use condoms. We had sex once with a condom which he finished in. We laid down and maybe 5 minutes later we had sex again. No condom. He pulled out but then I was thinking about the sperm most likely still alive on his penis. But I’m on birth control right??? No problem. Except I had taken my last dose of an antibiotic that morning...and it was the day before ovulation.

Is it an absolute long shot that I’m pregnant again? Most likely. However I am extremely fertile (I got pregnant using the pull out “method” once before which led to my second miscarriage) so I’m paranoid.

Couple all of that with having a lot of the same symptoms I had early pregnancy with my son, and my anxiety is through the roof.

I’m testing next week. My period is due tomorrow but I want to have time to know for sure. I would love some prayers. I just want to make sure God has a plan for us. I will love the next baby just as much as my son but it’s just not the best timing. I wanted our boy to have all the love and attention for awhile before bringing a new baby into the mix.

Also, please save your harsh comments. YES I know how babies are made. I had a lapse of judgement. I have been married 10 years and am fully financially able and willing to raise another child.