I’m Scared I’ll Become Addicted to Drugs

Yikes. Okay, here we go!

I’m 18, from a major city and am part of an ‘affluent’ group of kids. Private school, lots of money and party culture.

The drinking age here is 18, we all started very young (13/14). So when alcohol becomes legal, it gets... ‘boring’.

I started smoking week when I was 15, always in general moderation maybe twice a month tops.

However, I tried mdma a month or so ago. Holy shit...it’s good. I find myself spending $100 on alcohol a night when I go out, and this little pill is $20 and lasts me the whole night while keeping me in control.

Whenever I’m drunk, I get super emotional and messy and ir sucks. MDMA lets me be me while everything is enhanced.

Since then, I’ve taken in 3 times. Which for anyone who knows anything about Molly is NOT good. You should wait at least 3 weeks for serotonin levels to return to normalcy before taking again.

In addition, I went out on Friday and tried coke on a whim.

I feel like I’m lowkey using too much, or think about it too much. I think it’s the greatest feeling on the planet but I don’t want to rely on it on my nights out