Advice for twins wanting to go on our bed at night!!??


Our boys are 11 months today!!! But they wanna go on our bed every night. We give them a warm shower with lavender baby soap at 8pm followed by a warm bottle. They fall asleep we do the transfer to the playpens because our apartment is small and we dont put them to zzz together since mike always wakes max up lol. They sleep till 12:30am thats when michael starts fuzzing. I change his diaper and give him a bottle but he wont stop crying until he takes my spot!! Then i do the transfer and he wakes up and wakes maxwell up too. By then i have both boys zzzz in my spot. Since max is a heavy sleeper i put him in his playpen. I also put mike in his playpen but mike always gets up between 2-3am. Im barely getting any zzz lol & im expecting!! Any advice to brake this cycle. I dont want them both getting use to it every night!

Add: They take 1hr or sometimes 1hr and half to finally zzzz before we do the tranfers.